

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (27-45)
Zip Code: 21776
Age: 38
Body: Athletic
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Self Employed
Has Kids: Yes, living with me


I am a farrier.
I work hard, dancing,enjoy exercise, hiking,horses, my dog, going out , good food, good laughs and definately good company.
This lady just wants to have fun and be happy.
I do my to be positive and easy going with a go with the flow attitude.
I like to think uncomplicated and honest.
I am kinda a workaholic my job is what I sincerely enjoy doing and learning more about it every day.

My status is : I am separated, it's a long story but not an bad or ugly one.

What I am looking for

First someone that enjoys dancing!... that's a given right?
Has a love for similar things.
Be honest with me because I be will with you.
Enjoys there job, or at least tolerates with a good attitude.
Doesn't have a problem with my independence.
Will join me in adventures big and small, but can enjoy a night in just dancing by ourselves or relaxing with a good meal and a movie.