leecarlton Online Now


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (35-55)
Zip Code: 13201
Age: 38
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Customer Service
Has Kids: No


I am a bubbly, outgoing person who loves the outdoors. I regularly go cycling with friends often doing 50-60 miles with some good climbs! I also love walking in the Lakes and other places - I have climbed Mont Blanc and was lucky enough to make it to Everest Base Camp earlier this year. I have a great circle of friends and love socialising with them and my family is also important to me. I have travelled extensively - I have been lucky enough to travel to many different countries with work and have also travelled quite a bit on holiday. My ideal day is to spend the day cycling or walking in good company and to then enjoy good food in the evening with a drink or two. I'm looking for someone who enjoys the same and would like to share the same things

What I am looking for

Living a good life, which could be even better with the right partner. I seek adventures and activities, love spending time with friends and have a professional career. Mostly, I enjoy laughter, pursuing my passions, exploring, learning, music and good conversations.