Summer time is known as the low season for all dating sites which is quite an irony considering more actual REAL LIFE dating is taking place with singles during the summer months. This is of course due to the longer days, warmer climate, and more liberal attire during the summer months. However, for those of you striking in the romance department so far this summer, we wanted to share 3 summer dating sites that might kick-start some romance in your life.

Summer Dating Sites For Singles on The Go!
Clearly dating apps are a great solution for those of us on the go but sometime when you first are trying out a new dating site or singles community we too can understand how apprehensive many are in wanting to install apps on our phone. That is of course why mobile-centered dating sites can offer you a good solution to get your feet wet with a new dating site. So let’s get to it, here are 3 niche dating sites that are somewhat centered around summer activities.
Meet singles who love to camp.
Roast some marshmallows and enjoy the sounds of nature.First, off we have highlight CampingFriendsDate CampingFriendsDate is just as the name infers, a community of single people who like camping, hiking and enjoying the great outdoors overall. Okay so perhaps camping is not going to be a first date activity but you get the idea and can meet activity partners based on the passion for camping here. Perhaps meeting online first to stir up some conversation, then discussing meeting for coffee might be in order. After a few meetings and once you feel comfortable and safe around one-another then pack up the camping gear and go enjoy the great outdoors! What a great way to make a strong connection I might add.
Meet for a day on the lake at the Boaters dating site.

Most people just don’t realize how many people these days have boats and spend the vast majority of their time on their boat or enjoying their jet ski’s out on the river; which of course begs the questions why not meet singles who love to boat like you online? Where can you do that? Well nowhere really, not until now…
BoatingFriendsDate is our newest niche dating site centered around those who love to boat. Clearly for those you who live hundreds of miles away from any body of water might be better served at out Country or Farmers dating site which is for much, much more rural singles. However, if you love to boat, checking out the dating site for Boater!
The dating site for singles who like to garden
Meet other singles who appreciate nature.You don’t have to be a single botanist, horticulturist, or landscapers to join this dating site; you just have to be okay being a member of a dating site set up just for gardeners.
Singles in this community are in many cases simply hobby gardeners who enjoy maintaining their own flower or vegetable garden. GardeningFriendsDate, The dating site for gardeners, like all the sites above are not just summer dating sites but rather are activities that peak oftentimes in the summer months. Lastly, GardeningFriendsDate is open to all singles who love to garden and work with plants.
There you have it, enjoy an open campfire, take a day out for fun on the lake, or just let love blossom naturally.
Be Inspired and you will find a great date this summer, BUT IT ALL STARTS WITH YOU!
Make sure to check out all our niche dating sites and then choose the singles community that is right for you. Our interest-based singles communities are designed to be places where singles can meet people who share their passions.
Exciting news coming soon about making our platform even more customer friends and mobile-centered!