6Alycia S6


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (23-30)
Zip Code: 59864
Age: 36
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I love hittin the pow wow trail and partyin in the summa summa summa tym. I am currently attending school at the Salish Kootenai College. I am majoring in Pre-Nursing for now then I plan on transfering to a bigger school and major in Physical Therapy. I don't really do much any more. Just stay home n watch tv or go to school. Been mackin' fo' years 'n ain't fell of yet!!
HighSchool: Ronan High School
Music: I love all kinds of music. I like Luda, Biggy, Too Short, 213, E-40, T.I., Ashanti, Yung Joc, Pac, Whitefish Jrs., Norther n Southern Cree, Dry Lake, Johnny Cash, the list goes on n on.
Movies: My favorite movies are:Anchorman, S.W.A.T, Gangs of New York, Hero, The Last Samurai, Dazed n Confused, Fast Times @ Ridgemont High, Tombstone, Young Guns...
WhatImInto: Watchin movies, goin to school, I really like anything to do with turtles! I love goin to pow wows
MyBestFeatures: My humor
MyDreams: To become a Sports Physical Therapist and be the best at it. Start a family sometime after my schooling or before, don't matter to me none.

What I am looking for

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