El Brillo


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (18-20)
Zip Code: 65483
Age: 32
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Hey whats up my name is Luis... i am 19 and live in Farmington, NM. I am gay and lookin... not sure for serious or just a fling not sure i'm ready 4 another serious relationship... but wanna get to know me more or have any questions drop me a note i check my messages daily... ttyl luv yallz lotz!!!
HighSchool: Piedra Vista High School
Music: i would have to say my favorite music is spanish and reggeaton and hip-hop. my favorite song though is "Te Presumo" by Banda El Recodo.
TV: I don't watch tv really but when i do anything that has to do wit music or Cars i love to watch.
Books: I like Stephen King or Dan Koontz as my favorite authors.
Sports: I love to play a lil' b-ball wit my friends or just go for a long walk...
Interests: I love to work on cars its my favorite hobby... i love tuners anything with alot of speed and power.
Movies: I love all types of movies but when i'm alone wit a special someone its a tie between Horror and Romance.
BestFeatures: I would have to say my best feature would have to be my eyes... LOL.
Dreams: i want to persue a career in the medical field but my real dream and passion is Dance.

What I am looking for

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