Fearlessly Faithful


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (18-25)
Zip Code: 40202
Age: 38
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I am a very laid back person. I love playin basketball with my peeps at da crib. I want to eventually become a basketball coach in the near future at any competitive playing level. "Basketball is my passion." I think I am a very hilarious person and very fun to be around. I am a momma's boy, so u may say that I have a lil bit of a sensitive side towards women. Please, don't mistake my kindness and sensitivity for weakness. I can handle mines, in any given situation, altercation, or circumstance. I got my head on straight and I know what I want out of life. On December 13th, 2008, I closed a very successful chapter in my life when I graduated from Murray State University. If you want to know more, just holla at ya boy!
HighSchool: Louisville Male Traditional High School
College: Murray State University

What I am looking for

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