Sergio C8


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (22-25)
Zip Code: 94612
Age: 38
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


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Music: music....uhmmm...lets see...i like: Kings of Leon, My chemical romance,, lady gaga, the killers, likke Li, No Doubt, i might not be able to name some that i REALLY like...but it really depends on my mood, some others that i like are: Avril lavinge(all the time), Yelle, ughh..this hard. i really cant remember now.
Books: twilight (saga)...Harry potter...specially the last 2 books i like tha fact that at the end the books are not so magical, but more like scary, one hundred years of solitude, Sidartha, cant think of any other good ones.
Sports: i really dont do any sports but i like going to the gym ...some times./.lol
Movies: I LO LO love my top 6: Pant's laberynth, artificial intelligence, the notebook, Devil wears prada, New moon, AVATAR. Some other that are good. crazy beutiful.,ninas mal, may, sweet november,
BestFeatures: ;lakdsjfa;odsiufrqpoeiwjfa;dsklnmfa;dskljfnads lkdjfvnfkjn a;lskdjfa;ldskfja;dskljf adjfas;ldkjfasd;klfjadskl alkjfads;lkfjmc;klajdsfkolasd aldkjfand;skjolfjew;oifjdk a;odkljfa;dslk all that!!

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