54Jennifer H81


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (33-40)
Zip Code: 43130
Age: 44
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I'm not looking for a relationship on . I do not want to "chat" with you. I will not accept your friend request unless I know you or you seem like a normal person who understands that these sites are not for hooking up. I'm on here to talk to my brother who I'm pretty sure is cooler than you anyway. I don't want to talk/chat/IM/etc. I will not give you my personal information. I don't want to "hang out". I have a boyfriend. I'm not interested. Period. If you wanna talk about art or music or tattoos or other cool shite, then feel free to write. I love talking about stuff that I'm interested in, but just know that it will not get you in my IM circle or in my pants. Thanks.
Music: I love music - Pandora.com is like, my fave thing ever right now (Thanks Angel!) I love old school punk, butt rock, dance shit, electro, pop, rock, metal, some rap. I love the Dwarves, Danzig, Misfits, NoFX, Social D. I also love Tori Amos, Incubus, Mickey Avalon, A Fine Frenzy, and all kinds of other wacky ass stuff. I love music.
Movies: I like my movies funny or bloody. I toss in the occasional chick flick or action flick, but for the most part, I like em funny. 40 year old virgin, anchorman, knocked up, superbad, old school...that's my shit right there! I adore Tim Burton and I love anything that has tons of gore. Kill Bill is awesome and I effing love Shaun of the Dead. The End.
WhatImInto: Music, Art, Tattoos, some Body Mod.
MyBestFeatures: My super hot ass...NOT. I'm a freelance multi-media artist and I'm pretty good at what I do. I'm a retail superstar and a pretty good dancer. I'm an awesome mom and pretty cool girlfriend as far as I've heard. :) Mostly, I'm funny and brutally honest, but you'd like me either way. :p
MyDreams: One day when all is right with the Earth, I'll go to art school and be a big artist. My son will be a well educated, capable human being and my hot boyfriend will still love me forever. :)

What I am looking for

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