Staci B123


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (39-45)
Zip Code: 53959
Age: 48
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


follow your heart and not always your head.
HighSchool: Glenbrook South High School
College: Madison Area Technical College
Music: i like most kinds except heavy metal and hard rock
TV: house, ghost whisperer, ghost hunters, days of our lives, what not to wear, haunting and some kids shows, comedies- comediens=i.e. jeff dunham,jeff foxworthy,bill engavall, and george lopez.
Books: christine feehan- all books, Sherilyn Kenyon- dark hunter serious, JR WARD series---- most romance books
Sports: not a big sports buff. i like the vikings. purple just looks so good on me. lol
Interests: my interests are dancing, singing, writing poetry, spending time with daughter, chatting online, going for walks under the stars, picnics, studying hard, and making friends.oh and i forgot, i am rally into the paranormal- i.e.- ghosts
Movies: i like dramas, musicals, comedys, suspense, thriller and some horror
MyBestFeatures: i would have to say my eyes
BestFeatures: my best features are my smile and my eyes.
Dreams: My dream is to find a man to spend my life with and have an almost story book romance, have more kids and be happy. i also want a man to want to get to know me before he judges me, and decided we have nothing in common.

What I am looking for

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