9Charles P9


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (21-25)
Zip Code: 83427
Age: 38
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Blah blablahblah blah blah!!
Music: SLIPKNOT!!! KORN!!! METALLICA!!! i aslo like Rage Against the Machine, Amon Amarth, Mushroomhead, Rammstein, Soil, Stone Sour, System of a Down, Static X, Staind, Shadows Fall, SENTENCED, Rob Zombie, Pantera, Otep, MUDVAYNE, Motograter, In Flames, Graveworm, Flaw, Fear Factory, Disturbed, Dimmu Borgir, Devil Driver, Coal Chamber, Chimaira, Biohazard, Arch Enemy, Lacuna Coil, and others those are just off the top of my head... *Grins* Other than these bands i can listen to almost anything as long as its not country or rap... i might be able to grit my teeth and listen threw.....................................
TV: The Simpsons.. Family Guy... American Dad... Last Comic standing when its on... The Office... uhh other than that i dont normaly watch tv
Books: Ok just to name afew... Lord of the Rings Series....Dracula.. Most Steven King books, R.A. Salvatore any of his series kick ass
Sports: i use to wrestle in high school... i use to love lifesports class when we would play all diffrent kinds of games all the time... i like hokey alot also
Interests: i like to play video games alot
Movies: Interview of the Vampire... Underworld and Underworld Evolution... Monty Python and the Quest for the holy grail.. I like stuff that is suppost to be scary.. like Saw & Saw 2.. i love comedys.. i can watch about anything as long as it has somewhat of a story line/plot... just as long as its not completly boring and makes me want to sleep
Dreams: get married some day and have kids.. then get old and retire

What I am looking for

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