Miss B3


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (30-35)
Zip Code: 33511
Age: 43
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


What you see is what you get. I am a down to earth person who loves honesty. I am a well rounded person. I love music and poetry and have a great apreciation for art. My favorite pass time is to write poetry. I allow drama in my life, nor do i deal with negative people. I enjoy people who have a sense of who they are!
HighSchool: Immokalee High School
College: Hillsborough Community College
Music: I love Jazz, Opera,Salsa, merengue, classical, blues and R&B. A little country and soft rock every now and then.
TV: Law and Oder, CSI, House, The Shield, Without A Trace, Prision Break, The Cosby Show
Books: I love mystery books. Way too many to list
Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Tennis and Football
Interests: Travel and meet people.
Movies: Tear of the Sun, To catch a fire, Original Sin, A time to kill, Waist Deep, A Beautiful Mind, Titanic,SWAT, Breach, Set It Off, Yve's Bayou
BestFeatures: My personality!!!!!1
Dreams: ahh 2 Personal,lol

What I am looking for

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