Trill Bigsby


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (18-30)
Zip Code: 30060
Age: 41
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I'm originally from Houston, TX I live in Marietta, Ga now i'm 6'3 185lbs tall dark and handsome well I ain't got to say all that lol. Down to earth dude I try and avoid all drama. I like to have fun im not picky so i like to say im a "roll with the punches type guy". I love to make people laugh smile well hell and even sometime cry but im a good guy to crossed and you don't want that. "umm huhh!...listen up ladies ...I AM NOT ON HERE JUST TO SHOOT AT YOUR DRAWS IGOTTA NO YOUR MENTAL BEFORE YOUR PHYSICAL SO DON'T GET IT IN YOUR HEAD IM LIKE ALL THE OTHERS IM NOT IM ME AND INDIVIDUAL WHO STANDS ON HIS ON TWO WITH TEN TOES DOWN"....But, ladis i there is anything you wanna know hit me up i got a open door policy you just have to knock first.......
Music: S.U.C. ABN, z-ro, Trae, Lil keke, Big Pokey ,Scarface,Dvin Tha Dude,Lil o, Etc.......
TV: T.V. watches me sometimes Streets Advocate - Trae
Sports: All
Movies: Comedy, drama, horror films
BestFeatures: My smile, and my skin tone "sexy chocolate' also all my teeth are straight, and im a handsome guy

What I am looking for

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