3Danielle R3


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (20-25)
Zip Code: 63701
Age: 31
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Im a good girl at heart:) I'm easy to get along with and I have a big heart that wants to share it with a special guy. I live in a small country town that all we care about is farming and John Deere:) I can get all cute looking but sometimes i just like to throw my hair up and no makeup with sweats and a t-shirt on. And if you don't like it....well I don't give a shit because I'm not changing myself for anybody!:) Message me if you want to chat:)
HighSchool: Perryville High School
Music: LOVES COUNTRY MUSIC!!!! I also like pop, accoustic rock, alternative, and others:)
TV: Jersey Shore, Bad Girls Club, Pretty Little Liars, any MTV show, and others.
Books: I really don't read.
Interests: I like to hang out with my friends, shopping, partying, acting, singing.
Movies: Likes comedy, chick flicks, romance, and action movies.
BestFeatures: A lot of people say they like my eyes.
Dreams: I want to be settle down with a nice guy that will treat me right and have kids and be able to take care of myself with my job:)

What I am looking for

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