La Tequilera


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (32-40)
Zip Code: 95501
Age: 44
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I live in Northern Cali...Humboldt to be exact..and yeah it is true what they say about this place. I work hard and play even harder, that's how we do....I take everyone as an enemy until I know you and it's your loyality that will either make you my friend or my foe. I enjoy time with my family. I enjoy goin out with my friends and having a good time whether is be cruising around, going to the bars and drankin...just making memories that will last a lifetime. I enjoy meeting new people so go ahead and hit me up if ya wanna chit never know...maybe we knew each other in past lives...
Music: A lil bit of everything...mostly chicano rap, hip hop, and mexican music...oh and reggae
TV: that 70's show, george lopez, lock up, all the like csi, svu, those type of programs
Books: all the jean a. auel books, and a book called Ride the Wind.
Sports: Boxing and basketball
Interests: writing, going out , cruising, being with friends and family.
BestFeatures: i have no clue...
Dreams: my dream is to just be happy and satisfied with my life....

What I am looking for

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