babi boi6


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (18-20)
Zip Code: 72201
Age: 31
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Music: rap,hip hop,blues,r&b, a lil country not much tho
TV: bet,cmt,mtv,
Books: bible
Sports: dont have any favorite sports or favorite teams i just got one hobby n dat is riding horses
Interests: a guy dat can keep it REAL with me n be str8 forward with me but at tha same time he has to keep a smile on my face n make happy as i do tha same for him
Movies: love and basket ball,broke back mountain,ATL, all tha tyler perry movies
BestFeatures: my ass anything u wanna kno just hit me up
Dreams: i wanna open up a shelter for kids dat r in fostercare n provide a permanent foundation for dem cause i kno what it is like to be in a foster home n once u settle down u gotta move tha next so dats my dream besides being succesfull in life

What I am looking for

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