Sunshyne B


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (32-40)
Zip Code: 28025
Age: 48
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Ask and I will tell you if I think you should know....
College: University of Phoenix
Music: Not much of a fan of rap music but there are some rap artists who I can appreciate, Jazz,Blues & R&B music is more my style..
TV: CSI, Criminal Minds, National Geographic, All types of cooking shows,Dr. G Medical Examiner,anything Lifetime!
Books: The coldest winter ever, A Piece of Cake by Cupcake Brown! One of the best books I have ever read! Donald Goines, Zane books of course, A Divine Revelation of Hell.
Sports: EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interests: I love to read, have a deep love for motorcyles, love to travel, cooking and baking foods and desserts from scratch that are appealing to the palate...
Movies: Horror all day long! Stephen King movies are my favorite but I love Scarface!
BestFeatures: I would have to say my personality outshines any features I have on the outside. I can name many external features but its whats inside that counts more than anything!
Dreams: I would love to someday start a foundation to help the mentally challenged with everyday living. This is part of a legacy I have to fullfill for my dear angel who watches over me everyday. The woman who is responsible for making me the individual I am today..... My Mother...

What I am looking for

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