

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (22-25)
Zip Code: 95991
Age: 31
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I opened my pretty eyes, on October 5 1991, Hmm...Well I'm care free, out going, free spirited, loving, sweet, funny, clusmy, adoreable, sometimes i can be evil but other time I'm sweet I do not like drama. So save the bullshit, I am in a relationship,I'm a sweetheart, && I love new friends. My name is really hard to say but it's Utsukushii, just call me tay though
JuniorHighSchool: Golden Valley Middle School
Music: I love music, it's somthing I enjoy old school r&b, I like new music of course, I like rock I do not care for metal, pop is cool, Reggae is awsome, Reggaeton is he best but i prefer the kind from central america not Cuba or Puerto Rico's. Not sayng that it's bad but I just prefer it. I think Lady Gaga is the shit, I love Nickleback, bu PLIES baby is my goon!!! So I like all kinds of music.
TV: CSI: Miami, Degrassi, One on One, Roxanne, The Tudors, Cleveland Show, Family Guy, Teen Titans
Books: I read any and everything, I'm a book worm. I read Zane's,but I mostly I read interracial books
Interests: I used to play basketball, I like reading FanFiction, I lay the wii, I like cosmic bowling, I love texting (wink) (wink). I like shopping, I'm very much simple, alot of things seem to amaze me and I do not know why.
Movies: I love the Bodyguard, Dance with Me,Titanic,Breakin', House Party, Class Act, A league of thier own....and many more
BestFeatures: Hmm.. Boys you tell me what's the best features because, to me which is all that matters is my smile, personality, and the favorite assest is my eyes ;)
Dreams: I have goals before my dreams... Dreams are goals that weren't made true

What I am looking for

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