56Jonathan B625


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (22-25)
Zip Code: 33830
Age: 40
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Jonathan Hey im jonathan marshall im smart and funny, im caringand loveable. I was born with a rare disorder called Craniosynostosis, thats were the brain didn't grow rightor something, but anyway im a nice guy once you get to know me and i love friends.oh and im gay so those who don't know surpize. just look for a great time and great friend. if you like to chat email me
HighSchool: McKeel Academy Of Technology
ElementarySchool: Oscar J Pope Elementary School
Music: Rap 50 cent , kid rock, addc but mostly county
TV: family guy, games shows, sportcenter
Books: dont read
Sports: Football,basketball and hockey
Interests: like the computer or what ever
BestFeatures: well i guess my body even tho im kinda skinny
Dreams: To find that specal someone that doesnt judge me, oh and win the lotto lol

What I am looking for

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