Gregory G4


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (18-25)
Zip Code: 20743
Age: 38
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I'm a chill, laid back, no drama, love to enjoy life to the fullest kind of guy. I love life and everything it throws at me both good and bad. I enjoy being around close friends and family, because they are the ones that understand me the most, lol. But seriously, I would love to meet someone that is loving, caring, drama free, and brings something new to the table often. Don't be shy, hit me up if your interested!
College: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Music: R & B, Hip Hop, a little Go-Go, Reggae, and Dance
TV: Tru Blood, Law & Order: SVU, Family Guy
Books: The Darkest Pleasure and The Darkest Passion by Gena Showalter. The Twilight Series
Sports: Football (Redskins and Patriot fan)
Interests: Liking meeting new people. I also like to hang-out and chill, party, clubbing, dancing. I also love to travel
Movies: Inception, Salt, all the Star Wars movies (yea I'm a dork lol), The Fifth Element, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Happy Feet
BestFeatures: I'm told I'm a good!
Dreams: My dream is to work for the CIA as a Criminal Profile and be one of the leaders in my feild

What I am looking for

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