

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (18-25)
Zip Code: 12601
Age: 32
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Go Ahead, Label her! she doesnt care what other people think about her. Her Name is Abigail Agustin-Mendez .She was born on December 14th 1991 in Middletown NY, she is currently living in Poughkeepsie NY. She is a single mother of one (1). music=her oxygen.shes Kind of quiet at times, don't usually throw her feelings in your face.The smell of Lavander candles makes her smile. Her favorite color is PURPLE! :). she is majoring in Nursing.She hates people who dramatize their life when everythings fine! if you dont like her, its ok.. but If your mean to her she'll stomp you and make you cry.she's had a regretful past just like everyone else. Sometimes she wishes a lot of what shes done just never came into play.But from now on, she's letting those regrets teach her about her choices now and make sure she won't EVER let it happen againpared to who she was then to now, she really like who she is now. if she doesnt reply back,thats only because shes not interesed in you. DONT BE A CREEP!!
College: Dutchess Community College
Music: rock, rock, rock, and rock :) ... and AVENTURA
TV: Degrassi, The Secret Life Of The American Teenager, Ghost Hunter/GHI, Destination Truth
Books: steven king
Sports: SOCCER baby :)
Interests: ehhh.. TWITTER!!!!
Movies: Horror all the way
BestFeatures: her eyes.... so she thinks
Dreams: a dream that most people would dream about!

What I am looking for

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