68Tammy S986
I am a libra who takes my self and my life and those around me seriously. I am discovering myself and trying new experiences.
College: Park University
JuniorHighSchool: Mann Middle School
ElementarySchool: Taylor Elementary School
Music: R&B, Salsa, Samba, Classic Rock
TV: True Blood, The Tudors, Big Love, The Sopranos, The Office
Books: Southern Vampire Series, Ann Rule, Ann Rice, A good romance novel, anything on Astrology
Sports: Colleg Ball Baby!!! Roll Tide!
Interests: Meeting new, interesting people. Currently trying to learn Spanish to better my knowledge base and be able to communicate better. Riding horses
Movies: Mystic River, The Color Purple, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile
BestFeatures: My Personality and my baby blues.
Dreams: Be comfortable, Spiritual, and happy.