Brittany A9 Online Now


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (25-30)
Zip Code: 73034
Age: 37
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


I am loving and caring person that loves to help people when I can.(Dont take my kindness for weakness) I am also driven and goal oriented, I strongly believes that I should constantly be evolving into something greater than I currently am. I try to be a supportive postive energy around others because even if I think that someone is doing wrong I think that it is better for one to uplift rather than judge. I think that I can often be a misunderstood person because Im usually quite and reserved...but for others that know me...they know that I am a VIBRATIOUS spirit that spews energy everywhere I go. So consider me an animated down to earth fun loving person that would give the shirt off my back to help one in need : ) DESCRIPTION>>>> Im 5'8" 135lbs My Intentions on >>> Love can find you were ever whenever BUT with that said Im not on here searching for it, a husband, or a hump mate so spare me! Please & Thank you! : )
BestFeatures: You tell me..

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