Kiari L


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (19-25)
Zip Code: 33578
Age: 33
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


My name is Kiari Lee I am 20 Years old and recently became the proud parent of a beautiful baby girl on August 31st 2011 I am a very passionate and caring person with a soft heart for helping others. I was raised in a small town called Lacoochee,fl(crazy right). Im a great person to be around and I enjoy having amazing conversation. I am a God fearing young lady with out him I would not be who I am today God truly is the head of my life. If you would like to know anything else please dont hesistate to ask.
HighSchool: Palmetto High School
TV: Meet the Browns
Books: The bible,Any book by brenda jackson....
Sports: track and field, girls weightlifting, football.
Interests: I love to read read read, Doing hair and singing and dancing are my passion...
BestFeatures: Me!
Dreams: My dreams are to one day become an inspiring lawyer as well as a motivational speaker to many young women around the world. I also want to be able to meet a God fearing man who will love me for me and not for what I look like who will be there for me throught thick and thin and allow me to do the same..

What I am looking for

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