Jennifer Smith


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (30-70)
Zip Code: 78602
Age: 42
Body: Average
Ethnicity White/Caucasian
Education: Some College
Job: Health And Fitness
Has Kids: No


Am a cool headed and God fearing lady seeking a cool headed and honest man that
will love and make happy again,was married for 3 years with my ex,
Because my ex was not honest with me,he cheated on me and stole my funds,these
the reason i got the divorce, have been single for one year, right now am ready
to date again," I hope jennilove99977 gets to say "Gee! Male!"in the near future"
i love swimming and going to the movies,am romantic and i have a
good morals,i want a man that is willing to settle down no games,
seeking a caring and God fearing mam,Age is not a problem
Distance is not a problem,am willing to relocate to anywhere to meet my soul mate
Am happy to join this lovely site,will be glad to meet my soul mate here.

What I am looking for

Am seeking a cool headed and honest man that will make me happy