

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (32-63)
Zip Code: 90201
Age: 39
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: Some College
Job: Healthcare
Has Kids: No


I??m searching for my life long partner to share a Great ife of Love with; romance, long slow kisses, feeling very special, intimacy, spirituality, pleasurable communication, dancing, meeting of the minds, opening a door for you, flowers, traveling and other exciting interests and adventures, A GREAT LIFE of LOVE! I am one who strongly believes in respect and that without respect, you can??t experience true love and generate a healthy relationship. I believe in a smaller ??wow?? when it is first a friendship and then a larger ??Wow?? later as it evolves into a Beautiful Loving committed relationship. I believe it??s not just what you are like on the outside, but more about what you are like on the inside. I??m seeking friendship first, (no game playing please) with someone who appreciates some of the same temperaments and interests I enjoy.That special someone is a man with integrity, is spiritually compatible with me, having similar beliefs -New Age and is responsible, intelligent, has a sense of humor, positive, is clean and neat in habit and appearance,romantic,passionate about living and loving.

What I am looking for

i am looking for Honest,God fearing,loyal,trustworthy and intelligent person..i am looking for something long term relationship.I want you to know you are the only man have been communicating with and i would't want you to be the one that will finally hurt my feelings and you should know i have no problem with your age because Older men can open doors you??ve never even considered.