I am me...myself and I. But i am not you.:P
I'm an identical twin and am older than Sarah by a whole 5 minutes. I'm going to the University of Tasmania to do a Bachelor of Arts (most likely majoring in French & Journlism, Media and Communication). Also I've resigned from Big W so I'm looking for a casual job.
I love lyrics and quotes. Especially if they present a good message, story or image.
I like poetry. When I can get the inspiration for it.
I often get confused and prefer simple things. So when everything gets too much I like stepping back and looking at/watching things like people(especially children because the world seems to be so much simpler to them), flowers, birds, the sky. Oh and I love colours. My favourite is yellow, but I love the whole rainbow. :)
Sorry, now I'm rambling. :P
I can't think of what else to put here, so if you want to know anything else you'll just have to ask me.