Georgina Online Now


Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (18 - 36)
Zip Code: 7467
Age: 36
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity White
Education: Some College
Job: Unknown
Has Kids: No, but eventually


My name is Georgina, a lot call me George. I don't offer much but my thoughts, my feelings, my everyday life, and my randomness. :) nnI am half Australian and half Canadian. I was born in Canada and raised in a juggle of both countries. A Canadian by blood but an aussie by heart. You will know more about me on my profile page as you read through. You will see my photos, and other crap. I like to sing, draw and paint. If you want to message or ask me, you may do so.nnI also love hedgehogs I find them very cute and adorable when they are still tiny. I have also wanted a pug for the longest time maybe one day I will be able to get one. :)nnI have one rule only on my page, and that is, spread your awesomeness. If you're not mint, then gtfo, otherwise we can all be awesome together.

What I am looking for

Friendship, Dating, Casual Encounters, Networking