

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (23 - 43)
Zip Code: 4217
Age: 43
Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: Bachelors Degree
Job: Full Time Student
Has Kids: No, but eventually


I'm someone who has a lot to offer to the right partner. I'm happy with my life, alone and lonely. I miss sharing it all with someone special. I enjoy long conversations, experiences, and romance. I want a best friend and companion first..and let nature take its course, if it is mutual and we want to marry that's a decision to be made later.I am at a point in my life where I want to spend some quality time with a mate that will share all life has to offer. I'm independant and self reliant but would love the opportunity to have a partner again. Life is so wonderful and I know I am not meant to spend it alone. I'm easy going, never moody, open minded, witty, and intelligent. I laugh a lot and enjoy life. I think mutual respect and mutual admiration for each other is important.

What I am looking for

Long-term Relationship, Marriage