

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (18-25)
Zip Code: DE1
Age: 31
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Body: Above Average
Ethnicity White
Job: Unknown
Has Kids: Unknown


hiya im georgina or gina or g or george depending who's reading this and for those of you who know me you'll know exactly what im like but for those of you who dont know me this is your chance. I'm a girl who gets moody.. i have biatch fits.. im always right i always have to have the last word... i always biatch and moan and go on and on. They were my bad traits along with many others for those of u who stopped reading cya later and goodbye for those of you who are still reading hello and thanks for accepting me for me. I believe in being honest thats why i told u my bad traits. I have the biggest heart.. I am a great listener.. I am always there for everyone.. im not two-faced and will talk to anyone and give everyone at least one chance so dont ruin ur first chance coz if i let u off i wont properly like u.. EVER! And them people were my best traits so thanks for being here to share them. Wana know more? i'm only one message away!

What I am looking for

Friendship, One Night Stand, Marriage