

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (18-49)
Zip Code: 32102
Age: 44
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity Black/African Descent
Education: High School
Job: Unemployed
Has Kids: No


I am Vivian by name i'm 37 yrs. I am single and never been married, 5'5 feet tall and curvy. I'm living with my younger brother in a compound house, I was born and raise in a little town in Sweden called Upsalla. I'm a mixed race from Ghana/Brazil and Canada meaning my mom is a mixed race from Ghana/Brazil and my dad is from ,Calgary Canada. I was once there when i was just 9 years old and we spent a couple of months with my dad as he also had a wife over there with my other step siblings, my step mom was very hard on me so life was not good so i had to come back to Upsalla with my mom and help her in her work.
So right now i live in Ghana with my younger brother.

What I am looking for

responsible man who is ready to marry me and spend the rest of his life with me as a wife.