

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (25-35)
Zip Code: 78602
Age: 32
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Body: Few Extra Pounds
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Retail Wholesale
Has Kids: No


I'm her best friend and this is how I would describe her. She is a very honest down to earth woman. She is very beautiful, smart, and caring. She is always there for the ones she cares for. She has an amazing since of humor and is very outspoken. When she find the one she wants to be with she gives it her all. She is an amazing woman s please if your interested in her treat her right. She is the best friend and person you will ever meet.

What I am looking for

I'm looking for a good and honest man who will treat me right. Someone who doesn't care about appearance. Someone smart and sweet who will like me for me. Someone who is a potential family man. A man who will make me laugh and smile. Someone I can talk to for hours or just cuddle with. If you are this man hit me up please.