

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (29-49)
Zip Code: PL5
Age: 36
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Body: Slender
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Self Employed
Has Kids: Yes, living with me


My name is Marie, i live in Plymouth (South Devon - UK), i have 3 children, two older sons who live with their father abroad and one daughter who lives with me. I am running my own business as a beautician . I like cooking, reading, scrapbooking and organising things around the house (thats a bit of an obsession, tbh).

What I am looking for

Like everyone else on here , i suppose :A companion, a life partner... whatever you call it, but as well to make new acquaintances, always new to find new friends.
I have tried to date outside of the church/LDS friends i got, but non LDS people don't always understand the values i have. Usually in the beginning they say do and then after a few dates i realise that they don't, for obvious reasons.
The reason why i am on here is that it is quite difficult for a single mother to find someone suitable who share your beliefs and values, people who are at church usually are married or unavailable. So i try my luck in here and see what happens.