

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (41-85)
Zip Code: 20109
Age: 41
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Sales
Has Kids: No


i am a woman of substance, don't define who i am by the way i look or the clothes i choose to wear. i am more than what meets the eye. Define me by the tough battles i fight each day. define me by my courage to face them no matter how difficult. i value honesty, loyalty. love, respect and trust, i will survive despite any struggle because i am strong through and through! Sometimes, you find the rite person at the wrong time. sometimes it's wrong person at the rite time, but when you find the rite person, at the rite time, in the rite situation, it's because you're meant to be together, Meeting a million men is not a miracle. The Miracle is to meet a partner who will stand by you when million are against you... if you don't know how to maintain a friendship you can't handle a relationship because a good friendship lead to relationship while a good relationship turn to marriage, though life isn't perfect neither do I............... I don't mean to sound rude but it just a common sense

What I am looking for

i'm looking for a man of his words, not just a night standing, someone that ready to give it a trial