

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (39-49)
Zip Code: 14804
Age: 40
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity Other
Education: Some College
Job: Other
Has Kids: No


I am a very devoted friend and I am proud to say that I am one man woman. I am also loving and caring and I know how to make my man happy. I can say that I have a good sense of humor. I am very communicative and it is easy for me to find a common language with different people. I am always optimistic and it is fair to say that I am an open-minded woman. My friends say I am honest, sincere and cheerful. I think that when you get to know me better you will open some new sides of my personality for yourself.
I love reading very much and it is hard for me to imagine my lonely winter evenings without an interesting book. Also I love watching films. When the weather is good, then I like spending my time in a more active way such as riding a bike, skiing, spending time in nature with my friends. Also I go to fitness as it helps me to stay fit and brings me much energy for the day and lots of positive emotions as well.

What I am looking for

I would like to meet a man who knows how to value his family, who is ready to start a relationship, which is full of respect, unconditional trust and devotion. Of course, I would like my man to have family values and certain life principles. He should live by his own mind and be out of any other influence. I would fall in love with a man who is also responsible, kindhearted, brave, someone I can always be proud of. I want to spend my life with a man, who is stable, and who is really interested in building up a serious relationship with a woman, which may lead to a marriage in the future.