

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (25-30)
Zip Code: 14120
Age: 33
Height: 5 ft. 10 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: Some College
Job: Retail Wholesale
Has Kids: No


I have been a cosplayer since i was 18. Ive been into anime, marvel/dc, videogames, disney and other such nerdyness forever.
My pros: I will dress up for you, i like pleasing with things like minor cooking occasionally, i like going out an being adventurous even if it means a trip to the zoo. I love cuddling and romantic moments. I love making ppl laugh so im a complete dork quite often. I mean screams like napa from dbz abidged dork.
Im of Scandinavian decent.

Cons: i have a short fuze but can be easily calmed with compassion, i like being spoiled but i wont actually tell you this cause i try to be modest, needs constant reassurance and my self esteem is so low i need to be told when i look pretty/

I love Sailor moon, magus bride, foodwars, dbs, spider gwen, ironman etc

Also i am a furry. No im not into yiff. I like being adorable an fluffy. Wearin a mascot costume is a way to be an absolute dork an i love it.

Also no i do not rp.

What I am looking for

A straight male. Taller then 5”10” i have a short complex.

I am 5”10 so i would prefer a man taller then me. Ive tried shorter men but its not worked out.

Must have patience.
Must have! Have a job and car.
Prefers if you have your own place but living with family may be acceptable.

Wants someone willing to do couples cosplay and may be willing to join me in furry shinanigans.

I like being pet so i will demand it often much like a golden retriever. If you can cook thats a plus.

Prefers a dominant figure. But also caring.