

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (26-38)
Zip Code: 34207
Age: 34
Height: 5 ft. 10 in.
Body: Above Average
Ethnicity White
Education: Some College
Job: Social Services
Has Kids: No


Hello there!

I am introverted until I am comfortable with you, then my nerd flag will fly and I'll come out my shell like Michelangelo! The turtle not the artist. I attend my local church, huge HP fan, I listen to classic rock, contemporary and country ( not much of a fan of the new stuff though) I can Netflix, go out for a night with friends or go camping and enjoy them for what they are.

Currently work with disadvantaged youth and it's definitely a passion, and am looking forward to returning to school to continue advancing in that area.

It may sound cheesy and cliche but I do believe in being kind to all, and random acts of kindness.

Look forward to chatting with you soon!

What I am looking for

Definitely looking for something that may some day lead to something more. Not in a rush but also not up for one night flings. Friends is always a great foundation for anything so let's start there! :)