

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (30-41)
Zip Code: ME13
Age: 37
Height: 5 ft. 3 in.
Body: Full Figured
Ethnicity White
Education: Masters Degree
Job: Full Time Student
Has Kids: Yes, living with me


I am a single mom going to school for my Masters. I love to read (possibly own too many books), write, spend time with my daughter, try new things, and watch a little tv. I'm perfectly happy staying at home and hanging out or going out to see friends. I wish I had more to say but I honestly hate these things and would rather have a real conversation. I am a member of the church and have been my entire life. I love the gospel and my Heavenly Father. I am an open book and ready to make some friends and hopefully more with someone.

What I am looking for

I am looking for someone stable and worthy. A worthy member of the church who can take me through the temple. Someone who is ready for a family because I am a package deal. Someone with a decent job who knows what they want to do in life and is working towards that goal. Somebody who is loyal and and looking for the same.