

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (50-80)
Zip Code: 41001
Age: 42
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity Hispanic
Education: Some College
Job: Healthcare
Has Kids: No


A gentle touch of lips, a sweet kiss and a happy smile will be given to you every morning by me. You're surprised, but this is my gentle romantic dream. I want to take care of you and see you happy every day is a blessing to me. My friends admire my look. Why? However, not everyone can see the depth in my eyes and drown in them. Don't worry, in my eyes lives a reflection of you!

What I am looking for

A gentle touch of lips, a sweet kiss and a happy smile will be given to you every morning by me. You're surprised, but this is my gentle romantic dream. I want to take care of you and see you happy every day is a blessing to me. My friends admire my look. Why? However, not everyone can see the depth in my eyes and drown in them. Don't worry, in my eyes lives a reflection of you!