

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (50-99)
Zip Code: 92307
Age: 40
Height: 5 ft. 5 in.
Body: Slender
Ethnicity White
Education: Masters Degree
Job: Self Employed
Has Kids: Yes, living with me


I was raised and born in Ca I'm 34 years, I am the only Child of my parents,my father is in the Oil and Gas firm and we travel alots and visit lot of places when i was still a Child..I lost my father in a car accident while i was 17 and mother had an heart attact due to my father's accident so i lost her too, I have been doing what i know since then to make sure i live my life to the fullest.

What I am looking for

I do want to go on with my life and I’ve asked God to bring someone into my life who will want me for whom i am and be good to me and my grandma I know that there is someone out there for me because God never does anything without a reason even if we can’t figure it out, I also believe that the lord has someone else in mind for me to share the rest of my life with because the lord doesn’t want us to be alone or lonely.