

Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (27-50)
Zip Code: 33428
Age: 32
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity Hispanic
Education: Some College
Job: Retail Wholesale
Has Kids: No


"Gay Men

What I am looking for

I would say i am a simpleton. I like the old faahion factors of a loving relation and bond. When it comes down to it. All i need is Affection, communication and trust. Nothing mlre nothing less. Especially in today''s world, communication is so easily misconstrued and flipped into something Ita not. So clear communication is definitely a must. I love a man who can be himself and be as vulnerable as i am. Even more, if comfortable. I just want someone i can bounce ideas off of and get true and honest responses. As well as someone i can randomly tickle and fix almost everything negative about his day.

And aomeone can i confide in like a trust fund without the feea and repercussions of this clap back generation. If i tell you something its be cause i trusted you not ever to reveal it. Unless i do so myself. And vise versa. There must be thay spot available and restricted dor just us two. No one else, not even the closest friends know. In my future id like to go to bed with someone who knows 89% of my life and day.