

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (51-99)
Zip Code: 14001
Age: 37
Height: 5 ft. 3 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Computers Hardware
Has Kids: No


Welcome to read my profile. I am an outgoing, hot, romantic and warm-hearted lady! I believe in true love and I am looking for it here! Do you believe in true love, too? Do you believe in love at first sight? Now look at me, what feeling has I brought to you? I hope I can make your eyes bright and make your heart smile! Because I have a dream, that is to find my husband here and I will make him happy and comfortable every day! I want to make my man the happiest man in this world! Would you like to try? I want a responsible and romantic man to be my future love!�If you have interest in me, please contact me. and you can add me at

What I am looking for

I am looking for a responsible and romantic man. I want to find a person who will be with me on the same wave and fill my life with positivity and caring. He must have a rich inner world. It's important for me. Maybe you are a man who will make my life a fairy tale? Are you that prince? I can become your princess, who will inspire you with notes of love, passion and positivity every day. Do you want this?