

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (50-75)
Zip Code: 15207
Age: 43
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: Masters Degree
Job: Computers Hardware
Has Kids: Yes, living elsewhere


I'm charming, devoted, kind, self-realized and a sexy woman looking for you the right honest and faithful caring man . Yes, I already had the experience of an unsuccessful relationship but it has taught me a lot . I understand now that I was too young and chose a partner as not for me I am looking for the right one, yes just one I am a person that takes life easily and all the complications I take as stages which I have to overcome and move on. No tragedy, it helps me to walk the life road with a smile. I am a giver by nature and that is why I chose the profession of a nurse. At the same time I am a volunteer in several charitable medical organizations. all I need to make my life absolutely happy is to build a strong, happy and healthy relationship with a right man as nothing happens without efforts and I work hard to get what I want. By the way I always know what I want to become happy all people are unique, all men are unique and I guess it is all about the right combination of qualities. If you are a kind, serious, active man with good sense of humor, we might be just right for each other.

What I am looking for

serious, active man with good sense of humor, we might be just right for each other.