

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (56-99)
Zip Code: 05250
Age: 36
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Body: Above Average
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Customer Service
Has Kids: No


I am a mature, cheerful, kind woman who is created for love. Without it I feel like a plant without water. I am very romantic and affectionate. I cope easily with difficulties and obstacles of life. I am also a very responsible person. I am very passionate and vigorous. I love life. I am not among those people who think that life has come to its end at their thirties or forties. I enjoy outdoors activities. I like meeting new people and I enjoy communication with interesting people. Reading is my passion. I always love going to the theatre and listening to different kinds of music. And also I just enjoy daily home life. I love cooking and I am very creative in this.

What I am looking for

I was married once! It was a rich man. I had all gold, diamonds. But I never had the most important thing in life, I had no love. He didn't know how to love, he loved only money. Now I am looking for my future husband and I don't care about his white horse or Mercedes. I also don't care about his bank account or country passport and there. I care about your passion, your desire and ability to love and care for your inner qualities and your soul. I care about You more than anything in life, and if some simple things can make you smile! This man, I hope to find here and share our future together.