

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (49-99)
Zip Code: 34420
Age: 44
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Sales
Has Kids: No, but eventually


I am an intelligent, successful person. I am frequent told i am cute, don't look my age and remind people of someone-go figure. Actually, I really am a little shy and modest. I like to do many things but particularly love to be spontaneous and uninhibited. I like a man that can be wild at times or just chill out other times. I also like someone with a fun personality that likes to laugh at most anything and doesn't take life too seriously. luxury/sports cars, clothes although i really am not materialistic.

What I am looking for

I want a man that when we are with each other that does not go on and on about how much he hates his job or how bad his life is. I want an upbeat guy, nice, sweet, maybe a hint of shyness, somebody who likes to be tickled, who has a nice smile, and somebody who has his head on straight.