

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (48-84)
Zip Code: 76240
Age: 39
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: Masters Degree
Job: Healthcare
Has Kids: Yes, living elsewhere


I am positive, cheerful, kind, gentle and affectionate, inquisitive, responsible, and self-sufficient. I love cleanliness, warmth and comfort in the house. For me, self-development of myself as a person is important, to discover new facets for myself. I am interested in learning new things, I prefer active rest. Self-expression of the soul, heals better than any psychologist. I am a romantic woman and my big dream is to meet and love a worthy Man and be loved and feel like a Woman next to him, be open in relationships, give him my feminine warmth, care and love.

What I am looking for

I am looking for a man with whom we can fill each other's life with trust, understanding and harmony, make each other happy for years to come. There is love, passion, sensuality, protection and support in our home and in our relationships. We take care of each other, we are attentive to each other, we are grateful to the fate that we are together, what we have, we cherish it, we appreciate it, because we have been looking for and waiting for each other for so long. I want to be an inspiration for my man, to inspire him for new successes in business, for new achievements in his life, because I believe in his masculinity.