

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (48-99)
Zip Code: 46310
Age: 41
Height: 5 ft. 4 in.
Body: Athletic
Ethnicity White
Education: High School
Job: Self Employed
Has Kids: No


I love warmth, witty and stimulating conversations, spontaneous parties, travels, discoveries, adventures, exploring, friends and family; just enjoying life. I love a good excuse to wear to get dressed up or giving gifts even more than receiving them. I eat healthily but I don't deprive myself of life's luxuries I'm too much of a bon viveur. I love conversations that take me to unexpected places, laughing till my stomach hurts. What about you? Did you find any coincidences?

What I am looking for

am looking for a humble, kind, and traditional man who values love, family, and mutual respect. A man who believes in the power of partnership and cherishes the little moments we can share together. I appreciate someone who is supportive, understanding, and has a strong sense of loyalty. If you're a man with a good heart and a warm smile, who enjoys life's simple pleasures and can appreciate the effort and love that goes into building a relationship, then I would be thrilled to get to know you better. Together, we can explore the world, learn from each other, and create a beautiful, lasting bond.