

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (38-85)
Zip Code: 35514
Age: 38
Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity White
Education: Bachelors Degree
Job: Finance Economics
Has Kids: No


I live by two guiding principles that define me more than any single word could tell about me. First, my father instilled in me the belief that "Life favors the resilient" encouraging me to persevere relentlessly towards my dreams, no matter how improbable they may seem. Growing up on a farm surrounded by love, I naturally choose a career in engineering technology, driven by the desire to optimize our family's meat farm operations. My wanderlust has taken me to over 20 countries, with many more adventures on the horizon. With a plenty of hobbies filling my days, I often wish for more than the standard 24 hours. So, what's my other motto, you ask? It's simple: "Why not?" If the answer isn't "no," then it's worth exploring. If you're curious to learn more about me, why not reach out and find out for yourself?

What I am looking for

I've never dreamed of meeting a fairytale prince or a walking bank account. But I still hold onto the belief in romance, in kind words and gestures. If you're a man in the truest sense of the word, I'd be interested in getting to know youor at least giving it a shot. I don't have a specific type, but honesty is non-negotiable. I despise lies and games; I'm here to find a genuine partner, not to waste time. Feel free to ask me anything; I'll answer honestly. Yet, meeting in person is crucial. It's the only way to truly see if we have a chance to connect and become something more. The location doesn't matter to me; it's the opportunity to see if we click that counts. So, should we make plans to meet?