

Gender Woman
I am looking for: Man (30-41)
Zip Code: 256
Age: 25
Height: 5 ft. 6 in.
Body: Average
Ethnicity Black/African Descent
Education: Some College
Job: Other
Has Kids: No


Am Prossy a born again Christian Saved by grace.
Am 25 years old from Uganda, single, never married and no kids.
Am positive minded, friendly, loving , genuine and strong woman.
I like listening to gospel summons, music, bible study, walking in nature, watching football, traveling and spending time with family.
Disclaimer : "Please let's safe for each other, not serious, don't text"
To God be the glory.

What I am looking for

Looking for a serious, sincere and true love with a serious and genuine person.
A good fearing born again man who is ready to settle down in marriage.
Looks don't matter because we are all created in God's image And what matters is true love.