Todd M43


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (18-20)
Zip Code: 97070
Age: 32
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


i love hanging out with friends shopping going for coffee i LOVE going to beach go all the time love long walks and going on car rides talking on the phone texting meeting new people and just haveing fun i really want to meet new people and make some new friends that i can hang out with and just have a good time that would be really nice
Music: i really like all music it just has to have a good beat to it
TV: i love csi ncis ncis la burn notice covert affairs soa small ville grimm things like that
Books: i have all ever read three books in mu life forged by fire tears of a tiger and darkness befor dawn never read anything else even if i had to
Sports: i love swimming tennis soccor
Interests: just haveing fun and and trying new things
Movies: i love comdys and action and thrillers and some feel good films
BestFeatures: im not sure :)
Dreams: to get a good job

What I am looking for

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