83James A37538


Gender Man
I am looking for: Man (27-30)
Zip Code: 33020
Age: 46
Height: 0 ft. 0 in.
Body: Unspecified
Ethnicity Didn't say
Education: Didn't say
Has Kids: Didn't say


Connecting with People Are you one of those ladies who has seen many a man over the years, yet never managed to find a friend with whom he could share a true connection on both the physical and emotional planes? Have you always wished someone were able to connect with you to such an extent that you wouldn't feel she was there just because she was paid, that she wanted to just get you off and out the door? Have you always hoped that the next man you contact would be the one, yet ended up with the same letdown time and again? I know how you feel. And that's why I go beyond the crowds of commodities to being the icon who will bring the healing light to this area of your life. I invite you to explore my official website. You may find it the final point of your quest.

What I am looking for

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